Fleep Quarterly: Review of Q2 and plans for Q3 (2016)

The first half of 2016 is over – which means it’s time for our quarterly review blog post. Let’s take a look at what got done in Q2, and what we have planned for Q3.

First, a review of what got done in Q2:

  • Fleep Teams - Fleep Teams was our biggest project for Q2. This feature makes Fleep even easier to use for team conversations, allowing you to create and belong to several teams. Read all about it in this blog post.
  • Conversations bulk actions - this is a powerful feature that lets you quickly apply conversation actions to multiple conversations at a time: delete, archive, mark read, add and remove members.
  • Invite people – we added a button that you can use to invite your friend or colleagues to try out Fleep. Find it on the left pane – or if you’ve disabled it, you can always find it in the Account menu popup.
  • Sign in with Microsoft - we’ve supported sign in with Google for a long while already, and now you can also sign in to Fleep with your Microsoft account.
  • Several improvements to UX – new conversation flow rehaul, ability to create tasks and pins from taskboard/pinboard respectively.

So, what’s next? Here’s what we have planned for Q3:

  • Email list behavior - we’re putting the finishing touches on this one. It’s the option to have Fleep conversations acting as email lists for email participants, using the conversation email address as the sender. This will significantly improve the experience of big group conversations that include email participants.
  • Custom conversation email address – this feature will let you edit the conversation email address (that currently looks something like conv.3ak374r9djzioqoj@fleep.io), making it easier to remember and share. Also, it’ll go really well with the email list behavior described above.
  • Server infrastructure reorg - we’re continuing work on scaling our server infrastructure to better serve increasing server load.
  • Managed teams and managed conversations – while all of Fleep is pretty democratic, some companies need admin controls over teams and conversations. So, we are developing what we call managed teams and managed conversations that will allow for administrative control.

Hopefully you like the direction we’re going in! Should you have any feedback or questions for us – don’t hesitate to reach out to us at support@fleep.io. Let’s also stay in touch via social media: TwitterFacebookLinkedInInstagram.