Fleep: Integrations improvements

fleep_illustration_10Fleep is a great team communication tool and alternative to email, but it’s even more powerful when it speaks to the other tools you use in your everyday work. This is why we have made sure there are many Fleep integrations with the tools and services our users work with on a daily basis.

Recently, we added quite a few new Fleep integrations and also improved existing ones to make your experience even better. So, without further ado, we are excited to announce…

Fleep integrationsDropbox!

The fresh-out-of-the-oven Dropbox integration lets you choose files from your Dropbox and post them into Fleep conversations. It does not require any setup and is super easy to use. Curious to see how it works?

Take a look at the Dropbox integration info page for an overview.


The integration with Sameroom is pretty magical. If you’d like to use Fleep as your universal communication tool, you can use Sameroom to set that up. Within minutes, you can use Sameroom to bridge your Fleep conversation to a conversation on Skype, to HipChat and others.

Read more in this blog post or take a look at the setup process on the Sameroom integration info page.

Bitbucket Server

We built the integration with Bitbucket (in the cloud) a while back, and now we also have a customized webhook for Bitbucket Server. This is so you can receive updates about the changes in your Bitbucket repository into a Fleep conversation.

You can have a look at the Bitbucket Server integration info page for an overview of how it works and how to set it up.


fleep zapier integration

We love the Fleep and Zapier integration because it connects Fleep to literally hundreds of other tools out there. You can set up Zapier to send messages from other services to Fleep conversations – and it’s really easy to set up.

Read more about why we love the Fleep and Zapier integration in this blog post or take a look at our Zapier info page for more info on the setup.

JIRA updates

The Fleep-JIRA integration is a popular one among our users – and recently it got even better. It now supports a bunch of new events: configuration related events, sprint events, board events, worklog events and workflow transition events.

Check out the Fleep-JIRA integration info page for more info.


What’s next?

We have a few more integrations brewing for you, the most exciting of which is probably the upcoming Google Drive integration that will work in a similar way as the Dropbox one currently does. Let us know if you have any requests or feedback for us! As always, you can reach out to us at support@fleep.io. Happy Fleeping!